Shawn Landres in the Forward 50, 2009

Published on by rothschild

Congratulation to Shawn Landres for the article in the Forward: link


"J. Shawn Landres
J. Shawn Landres, 37, emerged this year as an essential thinker in explaining the new Jewish spirituality and culture to the Jewish establishment. If the current crop of post-denominational Jewish spiritual groups and independent Jewish organizations plays a leading role in Jewish life in the next decade, it will be largely due to the efforts of Landres, who articulates the importance of Jewish innovation to donors and foundations. He is a primary evangelist of innovation, whether it is in the form of an independent *minyanim*, an activist group or a budding cultural institutions. With Joshua Avedon, he runs Jumpstart, a “thinkubator for sustainable Jewish innovation,” that this year launched a partnership with Community Partners, a Southern California-based non-profit incubator, to actively support innovative new Jewish non-profits."

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